General Information

Children’s names may be placed on the waiting list when they are 12 months old. Registration opens in the spring. To be registered in the spring for a September class opening, a child must be at least two-years old by September 1st of that school year. Children in the three-day two-year old class must be three by December 31st and be toilet trained. Our five-day classes are open to children who are three or four by September 1st.

Although the children are generally assigned to classes on the basis of chronological age and developmental level, class placement will be decided by the director. In placing children, we follow the Miami-Dade County Guidelines which require children entering Kindergarten to be five by September 1st.

Before a child can attend classes, the school must have on file a current completed medical report, which confirms the child’s physical well-being and up-to-date immunizations and boosters, information as to the desired course of action in case of an emergency and signed acceptance of school policies and licensing requirements. We must have the names of one or more persons who will be available to come for your child if you cannot be contacted by telephone.